
Out of the Office: In Perfect Harmony

      Mike Reese wakes up every morning with a song in his head, which make sense since he’s been singing for more than 30 years. When he’s not singing, he’s working on lucrative deals for Jackson Cross Partners Corporate Real Estate Strategies clients.

     Starting from a young age, Mike has been a member of various singing groups. He began when his parents decided to channel his singing talents by signing him up for a local church choir. The choir, which has been around for a century, provided Mike musical training in the sacred Anglican tradition.
              From there, he joined the world famous Philadelphia Boys Choir and later it’s Men’s Chorale. He performed at New York’s Carnegie Hall, with the Philadelphia Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic, and toured internationally. As he explains, “Those experiences were life-changing. It opened my mind to new horizons.” Mike also was a member of the Haverford School Notables, his high school acapella group, directed by teacher, mentor, and dear friend, Michael Stairs.
        These days you can hear Mike performing with the acapella group, The Tonics. He attributes much of his work ethic and discipline to years of singing and performing. Being a part of singing groups taught him how to work well with others, understanding how to blend different melodies correctly in order to make a perfect harmony.
          If you’re lucky, he’ll hum you a few bars from the song in his head.